Unikátní projekt knihovny Common Law Society byl zrealizován v roce 2012 díky štědrému grantu nadace Hugo Grotius. Knihovna v současné době obsahuje 237 odborných zahraničních publikací v anglickém jazyce. Tituly pokrývají témata jednotlivých odvětví právní kultury common law i vybrané kapitoly evropského a srovnávacího práva. Jedná se o jednu
z největších sbírek zahraniční právní literatury v České republice.
Knihy jsou pro studentskou veřejnost k dispozici v prostorách studovny I. knihovny Právnické fakulty UK. Členové Common Law Society mají po prokázání se členskou kartou možnost jejich absenční výpůjčky v délce až jednoho měsíce, pro ostatní
je možnost vypůjčení omezena na délku 14 dnů.
Knihovna je každým rokem rozšiřována o nové aktuální tituly. Pokud vás tedy zaujme anglicky psaná publikace týkající se common law, evropského nebo srovnávacího práva, která nám ve sbírce stále chybí, napište nám na
Seznam literatury:
Constitutional Law in a Nutshell, 7th
Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy 7th
Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law Casebook
Modern Criminal Procedure: Cases, Comments, Questions (American Casebook Series)
Modern Criminal Procedure, Basic Criminal Procedure, Advanced Criminal Procedure,12th, 2010 Supplement
Basic Criminal Procedure (Police Practices): Cases, Comments, Questions (American Casebook Series)
Employment Law in a Nutshell, Third Edition
Smith and Wood’s Employment Law (Paperback) (2010)
The Law of Securities Regulation, 6th Edition Hornbook
Securities Regulation in a Nutshell, 10th
Mass Communication Law in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (West Publishing))
International Encyclopedia of Laws Insurance Law in the UK
International Environmental Law in a Nutshell
Consumer Rights Law (Oceana’s Legal Almanacs: Law for the Layperson)
International Taxation in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (West Publishing))
A Concise Restatement of the Law Governing Lawyers (American Law Institute)
The Law of Banking and Financial Institutions
The Law of Banking and Financial Institutions 2008, Statutory Supplement
The Oxford Handbook of Regulation
Health Care Law and Ethics
Health Care Law and Policy: Readings, Notes, and Questions 2nd
Health Care Law and Policy- Readings, Notes and Questions 2nd Edition, 2007 Supplement
Bentham and the Common Law Tradition
Legal Reason: The Use of Analogy in Legal Argument
Why Societies Need Dissent (Oliver Wendell Holmes Lectures)
The Nature of Supreme Court Power
Immigration and Citizenship 6th
Trial Techniques
The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation 19th
Hart and Wechsler’s The Federal Courts and the Federal System 6th
Hart and Wechsler’s The Federal Courts and the Federal System 6th, 2010 Supplement 6th
Drafting Contracts: How and Why Lawyers Do What They Do 1st
From House of Lords to Supreme Court: Judges, Jurists and the Process of Judging
Real Law Stories: inside the American Judicial Process
Opinion Writing and Case Preparation
Legal Research in a Nutshell, 10th
Restatement of Law Third, Agency – Vol 1 and 2 (US)
Restatement of Law the Law Second, Contracts (US)
Treitel on the Law of Contract by Edwin Peel and G.H. Treitel (2007) – (2011)
A Concise Restatement of Property (US)
Restatement of the Law Third, Trusts, Volumes 1 and 2
Restatement of the Law Third, Property (Wills and Other Donative Transfers) Volumes 1 and 2 US)
Bogert – Trusts (Hornbook Series Student Edition)
Restatement of the Law Second, Torts – Volumes 1 & 2, 3, 4 (US)
Owen, David G Products liability law. 2d ed. (2008)
Rogers – Winfield and Jolowitcz on Tort (2010)
Restatement of the Laws Second, Conflict of Laws Volume 1,2 (US)
D. Baird: Elements of Bankruptcy, 4 ed. (2005) (2010)
Douglas Cumming, The Oxford Handbook of Private Equity 656 pages;
S. Bainbridge, Mergers and Aquistions, Foundation Press 2008
Principles of Corporate Governance: Analysis and Recommendations – Volumes 1 & 2 (US)
Hicks and Goo, Cases and Materials on Company Law 2008-2009 6th Edition, Oxford University Press
Restatement Third, Torts: Liability for Physical and Emotional Harm, Volume 1
Restatements of the Law – Torts – Torts: Apportionment of Liability
Restatement of the Law Third, Torts: Products Liability
Law, Pragmatism, and Democracy (Paperback)
The Authority of Law: Essays on Law and Morality (Oxford University Press, Oxford 1979)
Beyond the Formalist-Realist Divide. The Role of Politics in Judging (Princeton University Press, Princeton 2010)
Problems of Jurisprudence (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., London 1990)
The Patterns of American Jurisprudence (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1995)
The Next Justice: Repairing the Supreme Court Appointments Process (Princeton University Press, Princeton; Oxford 2007)
One Case at a Time: Judicial Minimalism on the Supreme Court (Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1999
Legislation: Statutes and the Creation of P 4th ed. 2007
Law of Oil and Gas 8th
Patent Law and Policy: Cases and Materials 4th
Understanding Privacy
The Nature of the Fin, Origins, Evolution, and Development
Introductory Accounting, Finance and Auditing for Lawyers 5th
2010 Federal Rules of Evidence with Advisory Committee Notes and Legislative History
Evidence Under the Rules
Elements of Bankruptcy
Copyright Cases and Materials 7th
Principles of Corporate Finance 10th
Complex Litigation
The Civil Law Tradition 3 ed.
Courts: A Comparative and Political Analysis
For the Common Good: Principles of American Academic Freedom
History of The Common Law: The Development of Anglo-American Legal Institutions
Readings on the History and System of the Common Law
Great Legal Traditions: Civil Law, Common Law, and Chinese Law in Historical and Operational Perspective
Law of Business Contracts in India (Law and Criminal Justice System)
Adjudication in Religious Family Laws: Cultural Accommodation, Legal Pluralism, and Gender Equality in India (Cambridge Studies
An Introduction to Comparative Law
Federal Rules of Evidence in a Nutshell
Moynihan and Kurtz’s Introduction to Real Property, 4th
Epstein and Nickles‘ Principles of Bankruptcy Law (Concise Hornbook Series)
Principles of Property Law
Markesinis and Deakin’s Tort Law
The Elements of Style
Elements of Land Law
Parker and Mellows
Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England: v. 1-4
The Law-making Process
Atiyah’s Accidents, Compensation and the Law
Cases and Materials on the English Legal System
Hanbury and Martin
Constitutional Reform
Morris the Conflict of Laws
Litigating in America
Beyond Winning
Legal Negotiation in a Nutshell
Landsberg and Jacobs‘ Global Issues in Constitutional Law
An Introduction to Islamic Law
Law and Administration
Making Your Case
Constitutional Review Under the UK Human Rights Act
Corporate Insolvency Law
Global Perspectives on Constitutional Law
Writing and Analysis in the Law
International Libel and Privacy Handbook
Law Express: Human Rights (Revision Guide)
Principles of Intellectual Property Law
Equity and the Law of Trusts
Cases and Materials on UK and EC Competition Law
Law Express: Company Law (Revision Guide)
Barron and Dienes’ First Amendment Law in a Nutshell, 4th
Principles of Criminal Law
Maudsley and Burn’s Land Law Cases and Materials
Intellectual Property
EU and US Antitrust Arbitration
American Civil Procedure
Law Express. Evidence (Revision Guide)
Law Express: Constitutional and Administrative Law (Revision Guide)
Law Express: Employment Law (Revision Guide)
Law Express. Medical Law (Revision Guide)
Law Express: Contract Law (Revision Guide)
Media Law and Practice
Administrative Law and Regulatory Policy
Examples & Explanations
Calamari and Perillo on Contracts
Criminal Law in a Nutshell
Public Law: Text, Cases, and Materials
Smith and Wood’s Employment Law
Tort Law
Contract Law
Intellectual Property
European Union Law
Textbook on Land Law
Economic Analysis of Law
Comparative Company Law
Constitutional and Administrative Law
Criminal Law
International and Comparative Competition Law
Economics for Competition Lawyers
Law Express: Intellectual Property Law (Revision Guide)
Law Express: Family Law (Revision Guide)
Law Express: English Legal System (Revision Guide)
Law Express: Tort Law (Revision Guide)
Law Express: Equity and Trusts (Revision Guide)
Law Express: Criminal Law (Revision Guide)
Law Express: Business Law (Revision Guide)
Law Express: Consumer and Commercial Law (Revision Guide)
Conflict of Laws
The New Financial Deal
Foundations of Corporate Law
Guide to ICSID Arbitration
The Elements of the Law of Trusts
Criminal Procedure and the Constitution, Leading Supreme Court Cases and Introductory Text, 2010
The Changing Constitution
Principles of Constitutional Law
An Introduction to the History of English Law.
Federal Antitrust Policy
Damages Under the Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Hardback)
Understanding the CISG (Hardback)
International Sales Law and Arbitration: Problems, Cases and Commentary (Hardback)
International Sales Agreements: An Annotated Drafting and Negotiating Guide (Hardback)
Arbitration Law and Practice in China (Hardback)
Uniform Law for International Sales Under the 1980 United Nations Convention (Hardback)
Concise International Arbitration (Hardback)
The Freshfields Guide to Arbitration Clauses in International Contracts (Paperback)
International Arbitration: Cases and Materials (Paperback)
International Arbitration and International Commercial Law: Synergy, Convergence and Evolution
Accountability and Legitimacy in European Union
Bilateral Investment Treaties
Central European Judges under European Influence
Complete Guide to Willem C. wis Commertial Arbitration Moot
Constitution of Unted States of America
Data Privacy Law
Judging Europe´s Judges
Law and Internet
Nudge and Law
Parliaments and Human Rights
Theory of Interpretation of European Convention on Human Rights
Transnation Law
European Private International Law
Landmark Cases in Medical Law
„War and Terror“ and Framework on International Law
Legends and Identity in Globalised World
Constitutions in Authoritarian Regimes
Drone Wars
Ethics of Insurgency
EU External Relations Law
European Union and Global Financial Regulation
Foundations of EU Data Protection Law
Future of Euro
How Capitalism Was Built
International Commercial Litigation
International Courts and Performance of International Agreements
International Human Rights Law
Internet Privacy Rights
Introduction to Contemporary International Law
Introduction to Empirical Legal Reasoning
Investment Treaty Arbitration as Public International Law
Jus Cogens
A Liberal Actor in a Realist World
Managing Cyber Atacks in International Law, Business and Relations
Medical Law and Medical Ethics
Modern Economics Regulation
Modern Greece
New Introduction to American Constitucionalism
Non-international Armed Conflicts in International Law
Oxford Handbook of European Islam
Oxford Handbook of Governance
Oxford Handbook of World Trade Organisation
Policy-making in European Union
Post-communist Transitional Justice
Precedents and Case-based Reasoning in European Court of Justice
Proportionality and Difference in Investor-State Arbitration
Ranking an Priority of Creditors
Regulating Speech in Cyberspace
Rethinking Law School
Right to Know and Right not to Know
Secular Europe
Selecting Europe´s Judges
Services Liberalisation in EU and WTO
Single Markets
Substantive Protection under Investment Treaties
Theory of Constitutional Rights
Transatlantic Community of Law
Why not Jail
World without Privacy